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1Jn 5:14  And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to His will he hears us.

The more we learn about the Lord and His Word, and how He expects His children to behave, the easier it is to discern His will.  And when we are operating in the will of God, things get really interesting.

A story of an outcast

being redeemed into the family of God and blessed beyond that which is imaginable

The Church is born when the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples in Jerusalem kicking off this new plan of God that is still changing lives all over the world.

A church leader given the responsibility to oversee churches and appoint the right people as leaders in a very challenging culture.

5 chapters of in-your-face truth that every believer needs to take seriously.  Great wisdom and encouragement but with no warm and fuzzies. 


Practical instructions for

believers who want to live

a life full of victory in Jesus. 

A short letter of encouragement to those living a life trying to please the Lord.

A one-paragraph letter to believers warning them to understand how many evil people have infiltrated the church and how crucial it is to be able to identify them.


A theologically packed letter to the believers in Rome sometimes referred to as   "the Paul's Gospel." 

Teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel of Matthew.

The book of Proverbs is made up of 31 chapters providing practical wisdom for those seeking righteousness

Teachings through the Psalms seeking the wisdom God has given the writers.

Daniel comes under a lot of criticism but reveals a lot about the end times.

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